The Two Year Curtain Project Test Post

by | Jun 17, 2010 | Camels

See what you can find in this unfinished business: 1. Baboon 2. Toucan 3. Pingin 4. 3 other birds besides the toucan and the pingin 5. Spider 6. Lizard head 7. Duck head 8. Owl 9. Shark 10. 6 Gnomes 11. Pufferfish 12. Alligator or Crocodile


  1. Ben Gubits

    I think I can see Brazil beating Columbia in Fifa? Did you put that in there on purpose?


  2. Charley

    I think I saw the beginning of this, no? I love your art phil, must must see this in person 🙂

  3. phil

    Yes, you definitely did. It has made more progress since this picture. Create an itinerary that involves us meeting up!

    Ben, you are full of shit.

  4. Christina

    Did you finish it before you left?


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