Is French West Africa Expensive as a Traveler?

Many of the countries in West Africa are former French colonies. The currency used in these countries is the FCFA (Franc Communauté Financière Africaine), more commonly known as the CFA (pronounced seefa). Tied to the Euro at a rate of roughly 640 CFA to 1 Euro, the...

Why are you Traveling in West Africa?

I don’t want this post to come across as angry or judgmental. I will attempt to be careful with my words. West Africa is not particularly well traveled so it’s common to get to know other travelers when you do happen to come across them. Most often, you...

Ode to Hobart Street

I am writing from Dulles Airport, on my way to Senegal, but stuck in the orbit of a Washington, DC neighborhood – specifically a street called Hobart. I lived on this street for two years. Since I’ve left, there have been semi-annual reunions. If I return...

A Few of my Favorite Photos From West Africa

Some of these have been shared previously, some have not. A handful of them are from my first trip to West Africa in 2005, when I studied abroad in Ghana. You might want to wear sunglasses, some of these are overexposed. Kids in the fishing village of Akwidaa, Ghana,...