One Tubabu’s Thoughts on the Coup in Mali

by | Mar 25, 2012 | Mali

Niger River sunset

By now you know that a group of relatively young, low-ranking soldiers has taken control of Mali’s Presidential Palace and the state TV station ORTM. They also have control of the airport, which they have closed along with the land borders. They say that they are also in control of the military, the city of Bamako and the country for that matter, but the extent of their control and support is decidedly unclear.

The whereabouts of Mali’s President, Amadou Toumani Toure (ATT), are unknown. Amadou Sanogo, a 39-year-old captain in the Malian army, and now president of the newly created National Committee for the Redressment of Democracy and the State (CNRDR), has become the face of Mali’s government, whatever that may mean. The stated reason for the coup? To rid Mali of ATT’s incompetent leadership and to re-establish peace and Mali’s territorial integrity. Sanogo has since said that he also plans to reform the military and the education system. Elections? Yes, they will happen, he says, but there is no timetable. Elections were originally scheduled for the end of April and ATT was due to step down in June.

I arrived back in Bamako on Wednesday. Originally planning on taking the bus, I took the plane when I found a reasonable ticket through Air Mali. Had I taken the bus, I likely would have been stranded at the dougoudonka border crossing. Soldiers shut down the airport several hours after my plane landed.

Some would call this bad timing, but the city has been mostly calm since I arrived. There were a few days of surround sound gunfire (these were shots fired in the air) and looting took place in certain neighborhoods. Several people were killed and a few dozen injured by stray (falling?) bullets and as awful as that is, many people, including me, are thankful that there hasn’t been actual violent confrontation between soldier and civilian or between soldier and soldier. Yesterday, the grand marché was operating more or less normally and the mood among traders and vendors was mostly positive.

But let me tell you why I am upset and concerned.

First, I am not Malian. I am also not a scholar of Malian or Sahelian politics. That said, I have spent a significant amount of time in this country over the past two years. I have friends here, including my girlfriend of the past year and a half, and I have been fortunate to have learned many lessons from Mali and Malidenw.

Mali’s democracy and institutions may have been imperfect — corrupt and heavily flawed, even — but this coup is very unfortunate. This coup is like blowing up a sports team that, while not close to making the playoffs, had some promising foundational pieces in place. As a Cleveland Indians fan, I’ve experienced the misery of this phenomenon several times throughout my life (every couple of years since the 90’s it seems). The team’s payroll becomes too bloated for the cheap Dolan ownership and there is not enough talent to get over the hump, so the team is dismantled with the hope of rebuilding in a better direction.

In the case of Mali, the team has been dismantled and everything has been pinned on an unknown and untested draft pick: Captain Amadou Sanogo.

In 1991, a younger Amadou Toumani Toure led a coup against the military dictatorship of Moussa Traore, who had effectively run a police state in Mali for several decades. Soon after, ATT ceded power to the democratic process and he stepped away from Malian politics until 2002 when he was elected president.

By all accounts, there was good reason for the ATT-led coup in ’91. Under the Moussa Traore government, a dissenting journalist could be (and often was) jailed and tortured.

Under ATT’s government, Mali was number one in Africa for press freedom and in the Reporters Without Borders 2011 report, they were actually ranked higher than many western countries, including former colonial power France (see RWB 2011 report here).

But that government has now been replaced by the CNRDR. The constitution has been suspended along with all of Mali’s government institutions. Many ministers and even some presidential candidates have been arrested and indefinitely detained. Despite rumors and conspiracy theories that bigger players (and perhaps other countries) are involved, right now, it appears that one man, Captain Amadou Sanogo, is pulling the strings. Captain Amadou Sanogo, who is using increasingly egotistical language (see this interview with AP reporter Martin Vogl) in his interviews and broadcasts.

Let’s forget for a moment that elections were due to happen in a month and let’s even allow for the possibility that Sanogo is a good dude who is well-intentioned and competent. Political power can do some strange things to people (see: world history). While Sanogo and co. have presided over several consecutive days of calm — having stopped their soldiers from looting and firing rounds into the air — what will they do in the week to come? How will Sanogo handle the intense diplomatic and possibly physical pressure from ECOWAS, the UN, the AU, the US etc.? How will he handle criticism from journals and newspapers? How will he handle the various interest groups that have a stake in Mali? How will he handle a proposed peace march tomorrow?

ATT was struggling with, and arguably mishandling, the MNLA rebellion. His government was undoubtedly corrupt in certain parts. And there is a chance that elections would have been delayed because of the northern conflict. But ATT was no authoritarian. He was committed to Malian democracy and civil society. In fact, one of the biggest criticisms levelled against ATT is that he too often tried governing by consensus.

Institutions exist as a safeguard against our weaker tendencies. When those institutions are broken, they need to be replaced. I don’t think Mali was at that point, but even if it was, the change, if change is what it actually is, should not have come by the barrel of someone’s gun. Now those institutions are gone and one man is in charge.

My hope right now is that a conflict does not evolve out of this. The north is already a mess, with MNLA and Ansar Dine, an Islamist group, both vying for towns, and Mali’s military breaking down as a result of the coup. At the same time, many Malians are in the thick of a food crisis, a result of last year’s horrendously unproductive rainy season. Malians deserve better than this.

For now, everyone is waiting for what’s next. No one really knows.

Before I go, I want to say one more thing. You may look at this whole situation – the coup, the food crisis, the rebellion(s) in the north – and think “oh, there goes Africa again.” But as always, there is more to this story. If you are paying attention to Mali for the first time, take a moment to get to know this country’s beautiful culture – it transcends all of the headlines you will read.

recommended reading on the coup

Mali’s Coup – First Thoughts

Mali ministers held by junta go on hunger strike

Bamako returning to normal, Mali’s north threatened

Amadou Sanogo: Power is his middle name

Audio of interview with Amadou Sanogo from AP reporter Martin Vogl

I am tweeting updates from bamako at @philinthe_. @tommymiles has put together a great list of folks to follow on the situation here and he is very much worth a follow himself.


  1. Max Seunik

    Great post, Phil! A really thoughtful summary of events, the last paragraph is of particular value.

    • phil

      Thank you, Max

  2. Eleanor Manske

    Great post, Phil. As a Zim expat, whose also been living in BKO with my family for a little over two years, I’ve learned to love Mali even though I didn’t initially think I would. The coup has left me feeling sad and a bit angry, and I’m still finding it all surreal. Like you I really wish there was more that people knew about Mali than the coup. I was making final arrangements for a fashion show promoting the beauty of Malian cotton textiles at the CCF next weekend when the coup happened. I agree that as far as coups go, we have been pretty lucky. Just hope the soldiers are smart enough to know they don’t have not too many options and let the elections happen as planned.

    • phil

      Eleanor, please let me know if this show happens!! Would love to attend

  3. Micheal Hailey

    Great job, Phil!

  4. Brendan van Son

    Great article Phil, I love reporting from the ground like this. I have a background in this type of politics through my education. And however messed up it might sound, I am actually quite envious of you for being in this position on the ground. Stay safe out there and please keep us informed!

    • phil

      Brendan, I hear you, but at the same time, it has been very unfortunate for this country, and for the moment, it’s hard to see this side of it. Maybe afterwards.

  5. Michael Stein

    Just found searching twitter for news on the coup! Great posts here, keep up the reportage!

    • phil

      Thank you, Micheal!

  6. Kyle

    In my opinion, a military coup is rarely justified in a country that is democratic. In Thailand, military coups have been used over and over as a way to get power and “restore democracy”. Unfortunately, that just causes resentment, especially with the group of people who voted for the leader who was just ousted. It’s sad to see another place use military force in the name of democracy (not unlike our country). I wish the best for the people of Mali.

    • phil

      Kyle, couldn’t agree more.

  7. yvonne gerner

    Thank you for this article. i’m living since 3 years near mopti where we have a project for learning and training young people how to work and live together in non violent communication. i was for a short family visit in holland and i’m waiting now for the first possibility to fly back.
    I agree with you that this is not a “normal” african” story. Their are to much international stories involved, power and money seems to be underneath and we are all responsible in a way for this situation.

    • phil

      Yvonne, please call me when you get to bamako.

  8. David Marcus

    Very well put Phil.

    Thanks for putting us in the picture – much better job than the BBC….

    The culture and the people transcend the current mess.

    I am confident they will pull through.

    Sanogo will take a bullet, inshallah, and hopefully elections will take place as planned.

    • phil

      I am also confident they will pull through, but I think Sanogo taking a bullet might create an even bigger mess to be honest. Hoping for the best.

  9. Dalene

    Thanks for putting all this in perspective…just please please please keep yourself safe. 🙂

    • phil

      Thanks, Dalene, staying safe at the moment!

    • phil

      Thanks, Andi, will do.

  10. Marissa Samake


    It is nice to see a positive look on Mali and a non-political view as well. Keep the posts coming. At the end of the day it is our Mali that needs to come out the winner. May democracy come quickly back so that Malians can voice their hearts without fear of reprise.


    • phil

      Thank you, Marissa. I’m a big fan of your and your husband’s work. I share the same hope!

  11. yvonne gerner

    phil, can you send me your tel. number on my and i’ll send you mine.can be usefull
    i will arrive tonight at 23.00. staying at djamilla not far from you. perhaps it’s crazy but for my people at Here Bugu near mopti it’s so important to make the feel i’ll there even if it’s in bamako

    • phil

      sent 🙂



  1. As Heard In West African Taxis « Wherever You're Going, It's That Way - [...] off, here is a good update from my friend Phil, currently in Bamako, on the coup last week in…
  2. You can come back now (unless you are a refugee from north #Mali) - [...] de la Culture in BamakoFor a bit of background on the political crisis in Mali, please see my last…

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