Month: July 2010

Music in Accra: Listening and Creating

Yas1 by lionsinthetiles Yas2 by lionsinthetiles 2 versions of original work made in Accra. Had to compress a lot because internet in Ghana is not cooperating. Go figure. Peace fm by lionsinthetiles To get a sense for what's playing on the radio in Accra, this is a...

Bits and Pieces: Drawing Camels in Accra

Spend some time around me and you will probably see me draw a camel. Spend some more time with me and you will probably see me try to get other people to draw camels. You also might have heard me mention my website idea: I regularly coerced my...

Visiting Ms. Piggy in Accra

After spending an hour and a half in two different cramped and dilapidated minibuses, I am looking for a shared taxi to my final destination: Beach Road. My first couchsurfing experience has led me to the western-most neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana. Dansuman, Shiabu,...

Making Friends in Accra

The weather in Accra has been gorgeous. Did not think I would be saying that. It has been low-mid 80's, moderate humidity, and there is a constant light breeze. The nights are perfect. It is the rainy season, but it has only rained twice since I've been here and the...

Eating Ghanaian Food: Kenkey With Fish

Kenkey is a maize mixture that has been soaked in water and fermented. It is served with pepe (a hot sauce) and some mini-tilapias. Kenkey is heavy and dense. It tastes like exceptionally sour sourdough bread. I'm not crazy about it (give me fufu or banku any day),...

Uruguay Beats Ghana: The Aftermath

Well, what can be said about the game? Cheering on a sports team is one of the sillier emotional investments we can make. It is, however, one of the few things that can inspire collective euphoria. Ghana would have absolutely erupted with a win. In fact, Ghana did...

Accra is Electric

A quick update: Had a reversal of fortune last night. Consequence of oversold virgin atlantic flight, got bumped to premium economy. Bottomless wine and brandy for 5 hours. Arrive too late/too early to call couchsurfing host so sprung for a hotel. Got half off the...

Scoot West Africa

Want to travel with me in West Africa? A friend and I run scooter trips in the region.

Postcards from Timbuktu

Send a postcard from Timbuktu to anywhere in the world with just a few clicks on a website. Support former tourist guides and artisans in the process.