Farewell Ghana

by | Aug 29, 2010 | Ghana, Stories, W. Africa

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I did not plan on spending two months in Accra. To be honest, I thought I would be here a week or two. Time plays tricks irrespective of where you are. One day becomes two, two becomes five, five becomes two months. I could have left at any time. I had no real obligations, no job, no contract of any sort. I stayed because I fell in love with the people I spent time with each day. Earlier I wrote about the benefits of staying in one place. There are disadvantages too. One is that you have to say goodbye. There are a few reasons why this goodbye is especially difficult.

When I walk outside of my guesthouse I’m greeted by a couple dozen people. Roadside vendors, children, people passing. And it’s not shouts of “obroni” (white man), it’s “Fell, how are you?” or “Fell, etteysayn?” (in Twi) or “Fell, yah day?” (in Hausa). Children I’ve never met approach me and ask if I can teach them how to draw a camel. The family that runs my guesthouse has seemingly adopted me as the fifth son. And new friends have diligently looked after me, a difficult task given my recent habit of collecting injuries.

Ghana, it’s been a pleasure. You know I’ll be back. In Twi, may bah.

what i have

To Abidjan…


  1. Heather in Ruka

    The hardest ting about staying long in any one place is definitely having to say goodbye. In the end I couldn’t do it and ended up staying permanently.

  2. phil

    Heather, staying permanently is something I have considered. Cool site by the way. Take care, Phil


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