Camel Collage #1 – Things are about to get Crazy

by | Jan 13, 2011 | Camels

If you are confused about this project, please go read the How to Draw Camels Ebook now. Apologies in advance to those who don’t have camels featured in this collage. This is the first in the series. If you don’t see yours here, look out for the next one. I have received over 60 now. They have been sent from all over the world. One of them was even drawn by a cat. That’s how good my techniques are.

1600×1200 Wallpaper | 1280×960 Wallpaper | 1024×768 Wallpaper

What Now?

I mentioned previously that I was embarking on a road trip to Arizona. That starts tomorrow. Me, my good friend Sam, who you will be introduced to soon if you aren’t one of the many readers of this site already familiar with him, and a girl named Kansas. We will be “Settling America.” More info on that and more Africa content to come.

Stay tuned.

In the meantime, if you are somewhere on this route, get in touch with me at phil dot paoletta @ gmail dot com or through twitter at @philinthe_. You could potentially be involved in a life changing project.

Cleveland > Chicago > Neodesha, Kansas > Kansas > Kansas > Middle of nowhere Kansas > Colorado > Utah > Arizona

Those arrows do not mean days by the way. Get in touch. You will not regret it.


  1. Maureen Brady Johnson

    I am honored to have made the very first Camel collage. Thanks, Phil! Safe journey.

    • phil

      Your camel was beautiful! Thanks again for contributing Mrs. J!!

  2. Skott and Shawna

    I’m only minutely bummed thar my camel had his (her?) legs cut off by virtue of being on the bottom row, but it can’t diminish the joy I am feeling at being a part of Collage Numero Uno!!!

    This is one of the best days of my life…

    • phil

      I will put the other half of your camel in the next collage, deal? BTW excellent job. I enjoyed your camel very much!

    • phil


  3. Andi

    Ummm that’s stupid you’re not coming to the Carolinas!!

    • phil

      Too far south! 🙁 Next time. But you know my plan is to get back to Mali in the next few months, so maybe I’ll see you there!

  4. Erica

    BOO on skipping Texas!

    But you are redeemed with the amazingness of this collage.

    • phil

      Erica, Texas will happen one day! I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for the comment!

  5. Honza

    Nice! Both of them in #1, and one near the center.

    now Phil – you have my email so if any agent wants to get in touch with me regarding my amazing camel drawing skills (that I acquired thanks to your absolutely wonderful e-book) to offer me a long-term contract as an artist feel free to pass on my particulars!

    • phil

      We can work something out in terms of finances. I will be sure to pass along your information to the various suitors that I’m sure will be knocking soon. B well, Phil



  1. Tweets that mention Camel Collage #1 – Things are about to get Crazy -- - [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by phil paoletta, getupandglobe, Sally and others. Sally said: I want that camel-drawing…

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