Photos From the Overly Phallic Landscape of Utah

by | Jan 19, 2011 | USA

These photos are from Arches National Park in Utah. I have been deliberately cryptic about what we are up to on this road trip, but a lot is revealed in the last photo of this series, in which me and Sam are playing the board game “Settlers of Catan” under an arch.

And here are a few treats from Colorado:



    • phil

      I think it’s pretty clear what’s going on.

  1. Meghan

    Heyyy, You guys look like you’re insane…Well, Phil, you look like you’re from the Matrix, and Sam looks per usual, so actually I take back that comment. I think it’s the game, and the lack of smiles that’s unsettling. But I suppose this is part of the intentionally cryptic tour-de-USA. I hope you guys are having fun out there! And, nice landscape pics, wink wink. Keep ’em coming.


    • phil

      we are totally insane now. I have you played settlers of catan before? It makes you crazy. More penis pics to come.

  2. Katie McClusky

    Nick tried to get me to play Settler’s of Catan with him. My Dad was the only one who took the bait then proceeded to beat Nick to a pulp in a 2 player man on man game. Pretty sure it was the most exciting game of Settlers ever in existence.

    • phil

      They played one on one Catan? Holy crap. I think you have to use special rules for that.

  3. Andi

    I can’t believe you hiked wearing that, oh wait, yes I can! 😉

    GORGEOUS SHOTS!!!!!!!!!

    • phil

      Thanks Andi 🙂

  4. Jennifer Barry

    Great pictures, I have to make a Wild West road trip one day to see my friend in AZ. Your friend really has … uh, udders to walk around in public like that! I kick ass at Settlers of Catan so you are officially challenged my friend. 😉

    • phil

      haha, yes he does. We will have to make this catan showdown happen. I’ll let you know if I get out to tx.

  5. Amanda

    Great photos from Arches and Colorado! I think the dusting of snow is a nice added touch.

    Not so sure about the cow costume, but now you definitely have me curious as to what you’re up to!

    • phil

      Thanks Amanda. I’ll be adding photos from AZ next!

  6. Sally

    What the what-what? So. Confused. Right. Now.

    • phil

      All will be understood. Maybe. Soon.

  7. Camels & Chocolate

    It’s like we’re kindred spirits. I, too, would totally photograph anything phallic then name it such on my blog. (I am also the most mature person you’ll ever meet…or not.) =)



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