Yes, this is Possible

by | Jan 27, 2011 | USA

Earlier you saw a picture of me in a suit and tie and my friend Sam in a cow costume (this post). We were dressed so because of a new project:

Yes, this is Possible

Please spread the word. Phil in the Blank will continue. My next post is going to be a massive West Africa music roundup, all my favorite artists with videos and downloads.

I got a plane ticket. Flying to Dakar April 6th. Whether I fall into severe debt before then is TBD.

Love you all.


  1. Zablon Mukuba

    i really want to hear the music that will be there. your photo was really funny

    • phil

      Thanks zablon! Although what music are you talking about?

  2. Nick Laborde

    Hey Phil, I’m looking forward to following your adventures. I dig your writing style and your new project is very interesting… keep it up man.

    • phil

      Thanks Nick!

  3. Ayngelina

    Nice one Phil! Who cares if you go into debt, you’ll just be like everyone else back home.

  4. phil

    Thanks Ayngelina!! Yeah, I’m OK with it!

  5. Theodora

    Phil, congratulations on getting the ticket to Dakar! Can’t wait to hear more.

    • phil

      Theodora, thanks! Camels are in my future 🙂


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Phil in the _____?

This is Phil’s blog and Phil used to be quite nomadic, hence the ________. He is still somewhat nomadic, mostly in West Africa. For more about Phil, see the about page. 

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Scoot West Africa

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Postcards from Timbuktu

I also run this project with a friend in Timbuktu. Yes, that Timbuktu. You can order a postcard (and some other cool things) from Timbuktu while supporting out of work tourist guides: postcardsfromtimbuktu.comÂ