Travel Plans for the Near Future

by | Feb 7, 2011 | W. Africa

Despite an uncertain financial situation, I have purchased a plane ticket for April 6th. Washington, DC to Dakar, Senegal.

In the meantime, I am working on a lot of website projects and doing some freelance writing. Some of these projects you’ve heard about already. I have a few other things I’m excited about that will launch later this week. All I will say now is that things are about to get serious with camel drawing.

Here is what the future holds, inshallah:

  • Hang out with Clyde the Camel in Phoenix until mid March.
  • Spend a little over two weeks at home in Ohio
  • A few days in DC
  • Senegal. For just a little bit. Why?
  • Because I’m going back to Mali baby!!!!
  • At some point I hope to see friends in Cote D’Ivoire and Ghana
  • But I will be back in the US in July for a wedding

And then?

I will write more about this upcoming trip in the weeks to come. In the meantime, expect the West Africa music series to continue. Parts I and II explored the music of Mali.

Till next time…


  1. Elise

    Good Luck on your trip!

    • phil

      Thanks 🙂

  2. Theodora

    The uncertain financial situation speaks to me. Absolutely the perfect time to chuck stuff in and head for Africa. And, no, I’m not being sarcastic. If you’re going to be financially uncertain, better do it somewhere cheap, sunny and interesting than in a bedsit in the developed west…

    • phil

      Theodora, I’m with you! Being financially uncertain actually makes me more determined! Thanks for the comment B well, Phil


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