A Christmas Camel on my Head

by | Dec 25, 2011 | Camels

Happy Holidays from Abidjan! I am recovering from a dinner and dance party, but I wanted to share some art from two roadside barbers.


  1. Dalene

    That is ALL kinds of awesome!! Merry Christmas Phil!

    • phil

      Merry (belated) Christmas to you too! Hope Spain is wonderful !

  2. Kay Johnson

    Thanks for this Phil. Happy Christmas to you to & Very Best Wishes for the New Year !

    • phil

      Thanks for all of your support on the site, Kay! Happy Holidays to you as well!

  3. Katrina

    Ok, I thought my friend, Bill, posting a photo of himself with a goofy grin while sailing the Atlantic on Christmas was the awesomest Christmas photo this year, but you totally, totally win. Mad amounts of win. Like, Charlie Sheen “Winning” levels of win. Camels > tiger blood. *high five*

    • phil

      Are you sure? Sailing the Atlantic is pretty impressive.. 😉 Thanks, Katrina!! I always appreciate your support

  4. William

    This is great! I just shaved my own head yesterday, too bad I didn’t see this before as I would have loved to have a camel on the side….que sera…

    • phil

      Just wait till your hair grows out a little bit. It’s never too late to shave a camel into your head.

  5. Sally

    Wow. That’s some commitment. So when’s the tattoo?

    • phil

      Haven’t you seen me with a shirt off, bride-to-be?

    • phil

      Thanks, Andi. Camel tattoos have been done before. I wanted to truly innovate.

  6. Kerry Gubits

    Holy shit, Phil! It’s such a bold statement posted right upside your head. Very impressive. How are you going to fight off all the ladies just dying to stroke your camel?

    • phil

      Kerry, indeed, it’s not easy!!! Hope all is well with you!

  7. Nomadic Samuel

    Phil, that’s wicked! I’ve inadvertently had my head shaved a few times overseas and I might try something like this myself. I promise it won’t be a camel though – that’s your territory. Happy holidays mate!

  8. Ben Gubits

    Happy New Year Brodini!!!! How was the trip to Bamako? Miss you tons Brother!


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