Proof of Cote d’Ivoire’s Progress

by | Mar 1, 2012 | Cote D'Ivoire

On the left, a toilet on the southern edge of Yamoussoukro in October 2010. On the right, the same toilet in March 2012. The wall has been sealed! (I realize the photo on the right looks far older.. right = iphone camera, left = canon s90).

For real though, Cote d’Ivoire, despite the political divisions that still exist, has an air of forward movement. For the second time in the past couple of months, I saw road-workers between Yamoussoukro and Abidjan working into the evening. The northern corridor has fewer checkpoints and the trip was far less exhausting than it was in 2010. The same can be said for the road between the border of Ghana and Abidjan. Abidjan is as energetic as ever, business has long since returned and construction is going on throughout the city.

Our restaurant is close to launching. It’s looking like next week. All the paperwork is done, bulk ingredients and all manner of pots and cooking utensils have been purchased, we’re feeling good, excited. This is a photo I shared on facebook of our office/store house for bulk ingredients.

Now just waiting for the cement to dry. More photos to come. Actually, you can expect a running series on what it’s like to start a restaurant business in Abidjan. Even if this thing flops completely, the investment is relatively small and it will certainly be a learning experience. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a success as long as we don’t poison anyone.


  1. Linda

    Glad you’re back safely. Wishing you lots and lots of luck with your project! Look forward to reading all about it.

    • phil

      Thank you, Linda!

  2. Laura

    I’m SO excited for you Phil and can’t wait to read all about it!!!!

    • phil

      Thanks, Laura! I’m planning on writing some detailed posts on what the process has been like.

  3. dtravelsround

    Very cool!!! I’m really looking forward to what comes next.

  4. Jeff Dobbbins

    Best of luck with the restaurant. Would love to visit the Ivory Coast and maybe stop by for a meal.

  5. Ben Gubits

    It’s great to see this kind of progress! What are your thougts on the Kony video that went viral? I think this says alot for social media having the ability to raise consiousness.

    Miss you brodini.

    ps. Amy and I just got round trip tickets to Bangkok fo $900. Crazy! We are doing 3 weeks, Cambodia, Vietnam, Thailand so I need to pick your brain. Asia Spice!

  6. Agness (@Agnesstramp)

    I Phil! I stopped by and I really enjoy reading your website. Fingers crossed with your project and wish you all the best!


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