I will be teaching 100 people in Bamako how to draw camels in a 24 hour period

by | Oct 31, 2012 | Camels, Mali

Just a short update here. We hit the mark on this camel drawing campaign. Now the fun begins.

In preparation, I am traveling to Kita, a town several hours west of Bamako. An important center of animism, Kita is also home to many nyamakala (sculptors of the universe).

I will be in Kita for roughly 48 hours. While there, I will be putting myself through an intense and unforgiving training session in order to get myself in shape for this unprecedented camel drawing mission.

Afterwards, I will return to Bamako and begin 24 hours of camel drawing lessons on Friday night, inshallah.

Thanks for all of the support! We are going to make history.


  1. Addison S

    Congratulations on hitting your target. Look forward to reading the next post with the camel drawing results. I’ve no doubt the people of Kita will be a joy to teach.


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