If this works, I’m buying a camel

by | Aug 20, 2013 | Biz

Just a short update on version 2.0 of our restaurant/catering business.




Over the past couple of years, I have made less money than I did as a teacher in Washington, DC. But my current income – a combination of writing, online income from affiliates and advertising, and a modest amount from version 1.0 of our food business – has been enough for West Africa. I end up giving away a good amount of my disposable income, but if this restaurant works out, I’m going to buy a camel. This is long overdue, I just haven’t had the money (close to $1,000 for a healthy young camel in northern Mali. Feel free to inform me of lower prices). Sheep are much more affordable.

We are in a stressful and exciting pre-launch phase. Lots of arguments, agreements, compromise. But spirits are high and there is visible progress every day. We’re on track for an opening in the next couple weeks. While we we have relocated to a new neighborhood, we have kept our yopougon team intact. Even the mason and carpenter are from yop city.

Long days now and many more to come. Posting will be light, but I will be writing a few more posts about the whole process. I don’t know when I will get back to Bamako just yet, but I hope for at least a short visit in the next month.


  1. Malick

    I can’t believe you’re missing on the election hype and in bko! There is No better time to be there, i wish it is you who would have told us about how different the air must be in there, how it -really- is happening for the people. Oh well, i hope at least y’all yop city people will serve decent food when you open up. Cheers!

    • phil

      Hey Malick,
      Don’t worry, the food is delicious. You are invited!!

  2. will jackson

    Keep the updates coming man. You’re doing [insert divine being*]’s work!

    My favoured divine being is Jennifer Connelly.

    • phil

      Oh yeah? I don’t know about that one. But thanks for the encouragement !

  3. Laura

    Looking good 🙂

    • phil

      thanks, Laura! Hope all is going well for you on the other side of the continent.

  4. Linda

    Wonderful news. Your excitement comes over the net. It’s infectious!

    • phil

      Thanks, Linda!

    • phil

      Thanks, Andi I’m glad that you want me to buy a camel.

  5. jonny Duncan

    Good luck man. Been enjoying your site for a while now. In east Africa but probably heading over to west Africa eventually. Hopefully you will get your camel! Just been riding one myself in the Danakil in Ethiopia, they are awesome!!

  6. Patrick Hennessy

    Sounds like a good place, but where in Angre is it?

    Any map or phone number to give directions

    I will be there in February for a month and like joints like this but have no sense of direction, so help. I will be staying in Marcory




  1. A Cocktail Shaker and 10 meters of Fabric in Adjame Market - […] latitude. In August, I went to Adjame almost every other day, mostly to source products for our restaurant, which…

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