Neglected Photos from Mali and Cote d’Ivoire

by | Jun 5, 2014 | Cote D'Ivoire, Mali

I thought these photos could use a home on the internet, so here they are.


Pretty typical scene at Djigui Koro, one of the best bars in Bamako. Somebody buys a case of beer and everyone digs in. This is a very efficient way to order.


Bintou on the banks of the Niger in Segou.


The Great Issiaka Kane aka Issiakaba. See him in his youth in the fantastic Yeelen from Souleymane Cisse (clip here. Issiaka is the young guy who says “Cut my throat? None of you can do that. You don’t know me. I was distracted or I’d have killed you all.” Yeah, he is a badass.)


Late night kora at Djigui Koro


Was getting my sneakers shined while watching this scene. Anyone know what that device might be?


I’d say this rearview mirror has lost its utility.


Watching a boat race in Segou


Cruising the backstreets of Segou


I love Segou


Took the picture for the “air conditioned taxi” decal (you don’t come across many taxis in Abidjan that advertise air conditioning). Driver wanted me to pay for the photo and later wanted me to pay for the air conditioning. He eventually turned it on without charging when we hit a traffic jam on the latrille.


Since 2010, I have eaten hundreds of plates of tchep, a flavorful rice dish from Senegal, often served with fish, piment, citron, and veggies. It’s what you eat when you don’t know what to eat.

Ok, that’s all I got. Next time, I’m going to talk about woro woros. And hey, get ready USA, I’m coming for you.


  1. Klaas Tjoelker

    Hi Phil, nice, these pictures, very atmospheric information on life in Bamako etc!
    The device on your picture is a motorized pesticides spray pump, used for desinsecticizing homes, gardens etc.

  2. Kerry

    Nice photos, Phil. Thanks for sharing.
    Lovely pic of Bintou!

  3. Jonny Blair

    Absolutely amazing photos 🙂


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