Pictures from my life in Mali

by | Dec 10, 2014 | Mali

What am I doing in Mali? I am managing a hotel, the same hotel that I stayed at randomly in 2010 when I first came here. It’s the hotel where I met Bintou and many good friends. It’s also affiliated with camels.

I am also traveling sporadically to Abidjan, where the restaurant project marches on. We’ve recently shifted gears to refocus on deliveries and catering, and we are finally starting to see the results that we’ve been looking for. I think 2015 will be the year that we can start calling this thing a success.

Here are a few pics from my most recent sejour in Mali.


A little sunset on the Niger


A bozo village near Mopti, where the Bani river meets the Niger, on an island that was once the site of a colonial era coca cola factory.


Dogon Country is a special place.


Mo the cat, looking all man of the house at a friend’s place in Sangha.


Mo posing with a Dogon elder and a plant.


In the rainy season, these plains are verdant, but the view is just as impressive at this time of year.


Where the Bani meets the Niger


A few minutes earlier


A teeny tiny mosque in a Bozo village near Mopti


Our ever reliable boat captain Adama. A Bozo fisherman, he hit the jackpot with this t-shirt, a lucky find in the Bamako used clothing markets.


Daughter of the lady that runs my favorite fruit stand. Her name is Hawa. So much sass.


Sirani, one of the bigger personalities at the Sleeping Camel.


This field guide was given to me by a guest. I will surely need it one day.


One of the happiest days of my life, getting this tortoise.


Made a pit stop in San on the way to Sangha and devoured this plate.


Beers with friends


Ahmed’s guitar


Just chilling


  1. Craig

    Beautiful pictures, seems like you’re having an awesome time in Mali. I’d love to see that sunset

  2. Kerry

    Nice post, great photosl Nice to see your smilin’ face, Phil.

  3. astrid

    I misss afrika tooo mali were mu husband be

  4. Alain

    Not a bad life there. Enjoy!


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