Bintou and Andre do America Round Two

by | Jun 7, 2018 | USA

Andre trying that guitar on for size. He’s almost there.

On July 25th, we are off to the states for Andre and Bintou’s second visit. We strategically chose a time of year when there is a very low risk of crossing paths with bomb cyclones or polar vortexes or any other absurdly named arctic weather event. We got lucky with last year’s October visit, but Bintou may have been forever traumatized by that one day of freezing rain right before we left Northeast Ohio. She claims that she still wants to see snow.

Here is our itinerary as we know it:

July 25th – Bamako to New York
July 27th – New York to Cleveland
July 27th to August 19th – Cleveland, with a side trip or two
August 19th – Cleveland to New York
August 21st – New York to Bamako

Andre is looking forward to seeing all his friends and relatives again, or maybe meeting you for the first time!


  1. Mama C

    I desperately need to meet this lil nug of yours, and Bintou!- Hoping I can make it to the Cleve or NYC during the time you guys are there. Or, if you want to make a side trip to Texas to show them the real America, I’ll be here waiting at the shooting range with BBQ in hand.
    Miss you, Phil! Also, tell Bintou she makes a badass bag!!

    <3 Caitlin

    • phil

      He desperately needs to meet you, too!! What are the odds for Cleveland and NYC? Because Texas is not looking good for us :,,,(


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