Manifesting Monday

by | May 30, 2023 | Stories

It’s not Monday and I’m not sure I believe in the law of attraction, but I do believe it would be bad juju to house this short-form content, otherwise well suited for social media, chez Zuckerberg and Elon. So I am putting it on my blog.

I am going to Mbour to find the following things: a Malian worth knowing, a cowboy hat and the best ceebu jën I’ve ever had. Mbour is home to over 200,000 people. Backed up against the sea, it is a transport hub that points to Mali, far to the East.

These are achievable goals and I believe I will accomplish them.

That’s all I have to time to write for now. Wish me luck.

1 Comment

  1. Dan Kananen

    There are many many Malians worth knowing. Wonderful people. Could use some Taureg friends!


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