by phil | Mar 1, 2016 | Stories
Outside of a few photos here and there, I haven’t posted a life update in quite some time. To be fair, I don’t post much of anything anymore. I’m not quite ready to talk about the demise of Venya, but that post is coming. Venya still exists, but no...
by phil | Jan 19, 2016 | Biz
I haven’t been to Timbuktu since 2012, but I still have regular contact with a number of people there. I send a bit of money to Fatoumata’s family (I wrote about staying with them here) each month. They lost all of their livestock during the upheaval of...
by phil | Dec 4, 2015 | Mali
Assuming you haven’t been living under a rock, you are aware that a Radisson Blu hotel was attacked in Bamako a couple of weeks ago. I am not going to talk about the attack. It was awful. I am grateful that I did not know anyone involved. International media...
by phil | Oct 6, 2015 | W. Africa
My new goal for this site in 2015: post 7 times. For the year. Oh, how far I have fallen as a blogger. Today, a photo update with pictures from the last several months, including a recent trip to Istanbul, Bosnia and Croatia. These photos are not in chronological...
by phil | Aug 4, 2015 | Europe
The first and only time I traveled to Istanbul, I spent most of my time tracking down fresh cherries, doner kebabs and Turkish ice cream. My friend Sam and I slept very little, as sometimes the search for those items happened in the middle of the night. I had a lot...