What some travelers to West Africa are missing

lounging with a Tuareg family from Timbuktu in Bobo-Dioulasso I have not yet posted the sequel to the piece on toits rouges. I was traveling to Burkina Faso, attending the FESPACO film festival and spending a few days in Bobo. I will finish that post up in the next...

Red Roofs of Yop City

I’ve come to realize that the main reason I travel is to learn things and to form relationships. The best way to do that is to take your time, get comfortable, re-visit. The following is part 1 of a piece on Toits Rouges, a neighborhood in the Yopougon quartier...

Mali is on the Front Page, This is What you Should Do

Outside of Timbuktu, January 2012 I am back in Bamako now. Another 36 hour ride with Sama Transport in the books. Previous trips from Abidjan to Bamako (in 2012, at least) foreshadowed traumatic events in Mali. I arrived in Bamako a few hours before the coup last...

Some Thoughts About this Year and the Next One

Sunset, Niger River, Bamako, rainy season I am writing from Abidjan. I was also here on this day one year ago. It’s quite a fun place to be on the 31st of December. In early January 2012, I traveled from Abidjan to Bamako. I went to the Festival in the Desert in...