What a Real Party Looks Like

At the end of July, my former residence in DC ceased to be a residence. Chalk it up to disagreements with the landlord. It may become a residence once more, with new tenants and a different pricing plan, but it will likely never be the place that it was. While I...

25 Kg of Potatoes a Day

6:30 AM – Starting the work day at the Toits Rouges Allocodrome We started this lunch delivery/catering business in January. We had no employees, just the three partners – me and my two former couchsurfing hosts, Faty and David – and Faty’s...

This is a story from Bamako that you probably have not heard

Sunset at Bamako Plage With attention rightfully focused on northern Mali, a story is unfolding in Bamako that should not be ignored. Before I get into it, let me first say that I was never in support of the coup. Furthermore, this post is not some kind of retroactive...

The life of one family from Timbuktu since the rebellion

Mariam is the oldest sister in a Tamashek family from Timbuktu. I have written about Mariam’s family before. I stayed with them in early January, when Timbuktu was a different place. We slept at the base of a dune, a 5 minute walk from a round the clock...