Music in West Africa: Mali Part IV

Last one on Mali. If you need to get caught up: Part I, Part II, and Part III. The previous post took us to the far north of Mali. This post is not regionally based. Here you will find a few artists that I didn’t fit in earlier. Boubacar Traore Boubacar...

And Now This: howtodrawcamels dot com

I recently became friends with Clyde the Camel (see photo below) and he has become my closest advisor. He told me to go all in with my How to Draw Camels training program. When Clyde speaks, I listen. Version 2.0 of the ebook is available there. In...

Music in West Africa: Mali Part III

See Parts I and II for more great music from Mali. This is the last post of the series featuring music from Mali. A few more gems from Northern Mali and then it will be on to Senegal. I think. Maybe. I realize that I have not mentioned Boubacar Traore, Salif Keita, or...

Review of

This post is a paid review. approached me with an offer to review their site. They did not, however, pay for a particular opinion. What follows is my experience using the site. is an aggregate search engine for hotels. You enter...

Travel Plans for the Near Future

Despite an uncertain financial situation, I have purchased a plane ticket for April 6th. Washington, DC to Dakar, Senegal. In the meantime, I am working on a lot of website projects and doing some freelance writing. Some of these projects you’ve heard about...