by phil | Jan 17, 2011 | USA
I write from a car in Kansas. We have not encountered the feedlots yet, but I’m hoping the cold air will help mute the smell. Here’s my attempt to distill this road trip into three words: fear of hemmorhoids. I really don’t want them. Sam said that...
by phil | Jan 13, 2011 | Camels
If you are confused about this project, please go read the How to Draw Camels Ebook now. Apologies in advance to those who don’t have camels featured in this collage. This is the first in the series. If you don’t see yours here, look out for the next one....
by phil | Jan 9, 2011 | Ghana
“So who is that guy?” I asked this of Harriet, who I had met through Rita, who I met through Couchsurfing. I was on the set of a movie, Harriet’s senior thesis, at the National Film and TV Institute of Ghana (NAFTI). “Oh he is the...
by phil | Jan 5, 2011 | Tips
I hope that most of you have realized by now that much of what I do on this site is not very serious, with exception to the previous post on the Cote D’Ivoire crisis, this post on eating sand and Thomas Merton, and of course the How to Draw Camels Ebook. This...
by phil | Dec 31, 2010 | Cote D'Ivoire, W. Africa
Let’s be clear about something: there could be a civil war in Cote d’Ivoire in the very near future. If it happens, it’s because the guy who lost the election, Laurent Gbagbo, refuses to step down. He has been in power for over ten years. Twice his...