by phil | May 30, 2023 | Stories
It’s not Monday and I’m not sure I believe in the law of attraction, but I do believe it would be bad juju to house this short-form content, otherwise well suited for social media, chez Zuckerberg and Elon. So I am putting it on my blog. I am going to...
by phil | May 29, 2023 | Senegal, Stories
There is no typical day. We are still trying to figure our lives out over here. But that’s not what you came for. We enjoy hearing about other people’s routines and “typical days.” We can read these with envy but they can also be validating if...
by phil | May 19, 2023 | Stories
Who knows what you are thinking right now, but hopefully that potentially incriminating clickbaity headline at least got your attention. I am not going to convince you that this is remotely safe. It’s not. But it is a reliably joyful activity that has become a...
by phil | May 12, 2023 | thoughts
Google “Africans dead at sea” and the thousands of links that pop up have nothing to do with the 2 million Africans that died during the middle passage. It’s Africans dead at sea now. Not forced onto ships but forced out to sea, locked out of the...
by phil | May 11, 2023 | Birds
Did you read part 1 about my burgeoning bird obsession? Obsession is an exaggeration. I am not about to blow the dwindling family nest egg to fly half way around the world to try and spot a rare wood duck that only comes out for 3 hours every 5 years in a...