Ewoks Jawas and Turbo Viagra in Essaouira, Morocco

Essaouira, Morocco. The town that inspired Jimi Hendrix’s “Castles Made of Sand.” Actually, that’s not true. In fact, just about everything hasslers tell you about Jimi Hendrix in Essaouira is false. Some of their other talking points –...

A Christmas Surprise

Many of you who read this site knew my trip was coming to a close. I did not announce it here, because I planned to surprise my mom before Christmas (she reads this site, but does not know how to use twitter or facebook). I got home last night and here’s what...

Mountain. Desert. Camel. Photo. Parrot Cake.

Among the many benefits of writing a travel blog: making new friends and reconnecting with old ones. Me and Nicky were last together in 2007, on a group tour to Colca Canyon in Peru. Group tours are silly affairs. Everything gets colored by the other people you are...

Things to Eat and Drink in Morocco that Taste Good

By now I assume you have reached camel drawing proficiency. If you have not sent me a picture of one of your camels, please do. Phil.paoletta at gmail dot com or post it on the facebook page. For each camel drawn, $1 is being donated to Partners in Health. There has...

How to Draw Camels Ebook

Update: the How to Draw Camels ebook has been moved to my new site at howtodrawcamels.com. Click here to download the book! First of all, HAPPY CAMEL APPRECIATION DAY!! Now get ready to have your mind blown I have been drawing camels for years. For a long time, I just...