Music in Accra: Listening and Creating

Yas1 by lionsinthetiles Yas2 by lionsinthetiles 2 versions of original work made in Accra. Had to compress a lot because internet in Ghana is not cooperating. Go figure. Peace fm by lionsinthetiles To get a sense for what’s playing on the radio in Accra, this is...

Bits and Pieces: Drawing Camels in Accra

Spend some time around me and you will probably see me draw a camel. Spend some more time with me and you will probably see me try to get other people to draw camels. You also might have heard me mention my website idea: I regularly coerced my...

Visiting Ms. Piggy in Accra

After spending an hour and a half in two different cramped and dilapidated minibuses, I am looking for a shared taxi to my final destination: Beach Road. My first couchsurfing experience has led me to the western-most neighborhoods of Accra, Ghana. Dansuman, Shiabu,...

Making Friends in Accra

The weather in Accra has been gorgeous. Did not think I would be saying that. It has been low-mid 80’s, moderate humidity, and there is a constant light breeze. The nights are perfect. It is the rainy season, but it has only rained twice since I’ve been...

Eating Ghanaian Food: Kenkey With Fish

Kenkey is a maize mixture that has been soaked in water and fermented. It is served with pepe (a hot sauce) and some mini-tilapias. Kenkey is heavy and dense. It tastes like exceptionally sour sourdough bread. I’m not crazy about it (give me fufu or banku any...