A poem about doves and some other bird art

I can’t remember the last time I wrote a poem. It was surely part of an exercise at school. What I am really trying to say is that I don’t think I have ever written a poem voluntarily. So, here we are. My first poem that was not written under duress: Red...

My Top 5 Favorite Birds

Did you read part 1 about my burgeoning bird obsession? Obsession is an exaggeration. I am not about to blow the dwindling family nest egg to fly half way around the world to try and spot a rare wood duck that only comes out for 3 hours every 5 years in a...

How I became obsessed with birds

Photo from wikicommons. Many months ago I started noticing an early morning birdsong. I first heard it when I woke up. Then I heard it everywhere. I couldn’t for the life of me spot the bird.  Not having a visual made it difficult to identify the culprit. But...