Sharing some love on my way out the door

I’m flying to Ghana today. More regular posting will resume next week. In the meantime, I want to share a few worthwhile projects from others. The Wise Routes Project My friend Claire and her boyfriend, Brandon, just rode their bikes from Vancouver to San...

The Destination for your Pity Will Soon be Something Else

This post is not a rejection of aid or charity or volunteering. It’s a rejection of an attitude about Africa. Last summer, at a chop house in Takoradi, Ghana, an American girl struck up a conversation with me. She was a 3rd year university student volunteering...

What’s Next for me

Much to your dismay, I am not actually skydiving to the summit of Mt. Kilimanjaro. I will be returning to West Africa, however, and I have a few things in store beyond my normal agenda of camel drawing consultations.Right nowI am in the states, doing some side trips,...

Why are you Traveling in West Africa?

I don’t want this post to come across as angry or judgmental. I will attempt to be careful with my words. West Africa is not particularly well traveled so it’s common to get to know other travelers when you do happen to come across them. Most often, you...