Again Slow Travel Wins Out

by | Sep 10, 2010 | Cote D'Ivoire, W. Africa

If you asked me two days ago what I thought of Abidjan, I would have said it’s a city of idle soldiers on cratered sidewalks telling market women to give them peanuts for free. I was not feeling it.

Behold the power of incredible Couchsurfing hosts. Faty, her boyfriend David, and brother Bless, have adopted me indefinitely. I am being treated to incredible meals and great conversation, not to mention an inside look at Abidjan. My French is in full effect and my stools have firmed up. What more could I ask for?

This internet connection is not worth my time and I need to go party like a Muslim at the end of Ramadan, so I will cut this a bit short and leave you with two photos.

This is David, one third of my couchsurfing hosts, wearing his favorite shirt:

Fucker. So What. I Fucked your sister!

Pure silliness in Cote d’Ivoire


  1. Marissa Sertich


    Alison (my now sister-n-law?) just gave me your blog and, while I already thought you were fantastic, think your adventures are brave, brilliant, and basically, give a little more light to the world. If you ever land in New York, or Boston, find me. We will drink beers, catch up and be merry.


  2. phil

    Marissa1111 good to hear fro, you believe ,e there would be a ton of excla,ation points if i could find th,e on the keyboard. I will definitely be in NY someti,e in the not so distant future, sounds like q plan11111

  3. Jason

    Love the shirt!

  4. phil

    The best part: he has know idea what it means



  1. Les Enfants de Bamako - [...] has no idea what this shirt means. Similar situation to the I fucked your sister shirt in Cote [...]
  2. What’s Next for me - [...] am investing small small in a roadside restaurant started by my beloved former couchsurfing hosts, Faty and David, and…
  3. A Christmas Surprise - [...] 50 camels, which means another $50 will be donated to Partners in Health.Cote D’Ivoire UpdateFaty and David, who I…

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